GEN-11306 Evolution and Systematics


Credits 6.00

Teaching methodContact hours
Course coordinator(s)prof. dr. JAGM de Visser
Lecturer(s)prof. dr. JAGM de Visser
dr. DK Aanen
dr. LW Chatrou
prof. dr. BJ Zwaan
Examiner(s)prof. dr. JAGM de Visser

Language of instruction:


Continuation courses:

GEN-20306 Molecular and Evolutionary Ecology; GEN-30806 Population and Quantitative Genetics; BIS-30306 Advanced Biosystematics.


All living things have evolved. Evolutionary biology studies the history of that process and the mechanisms that cause it to happen. This introductory course treats microevolution (the short-term evolutionary dynamics occurring within populations and species), organismal design by selection for reproductive success, and macroevolution (evolutionary change above the species level). In doing so, it distinguishes between the two general methodologies to study evolution: the direct experimental study of processes and the comparative method that interprets patterns of evolutionary products.
These are the specific themes and subthemes that will be treated: microevolutionary concepts, design by selection for reproductive success, principles of macroevolution, the history of life, integrating micro- and macroevolution.

Learning outcomes:

After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:
- define and describe important evolutionary concepts, including natural selection, genetic drift, phylogeny, reproductive system, genomic conflict, life history traits, sexual selection, biological species and speciation;
- apply evolutionary concepts in explanations of biological phenomena;
- explain the role of genetics in evolution;
- describe in general terms the history of life on earth and the role of geological changes;
- apply species concepts in a biosystematic and evolutionary context;
- use phylogenies to analyse historical biogeography and macro-evolution of traits;
- reconstruct phylogenies using relevant data.


In total (parts of) 15 book chapters will be studied. For each chapter the following activities are plant:
- first the student reads the chapter and performs a short self-test, then a lecture about the chapter will focus on the essential concepts and will provide illustrations;
- finally the student will work on solving problems during supervised tutorials or practical's.


- written individual test with 16 open questions (80%);
- tutorial group assignments (20%, as bonus: only if higher than written test).
Minimal combined mark is 5.5.


Stearns & Hoekstra. (2005). Evolution, an introduction. Oxford University Press. 2nd ed. together with study guide.
course guide, including study guide and manual for tutorials;
Blackboard with schedule, practical student groups, Power-point files of lectures.

Compulsory for: BBIBiologyBSc4WD
BLSBachelor Orientation year Life SciencesBScB: BBI4WD