Biology (BBI) / BSc

BSc Common part

Common Part

Third year students should have passed all courses of the first two years (except one course) before starting with the BSc-thesis in the second period of their third year. Other students should have completed all courses of the common part of the BSc Biology and all courses of one of the majors (except one course of the common part or the major) or have passed a minimum of 150 ects before starting. Students should meet these requirements at the time of admission for the BSc-thesis.
RO1: Choose MAT-14803 Mathematics 1 if you did Math A at VWO; choose MAT-15303 Statistics 1 if you did Math B at VWO

ORC-13803Bio-organic Chemistry for Life Sciences3.00CSB11AF
NCP-10503Ecology I3.00CSB11MO
NCP-20503Ecology II3.00CSB11MO
CBI-10306Cell Biology6.00CSB12AF
MAT-14903Mathematics 23.00CSB12MO
PCC-12803General Chemistry for the Life Sciences3.00CSB12MO
GEN-11806Fundamentals of Genetics and Molecular Biology6.00CSB13WD
GEN-11306Evolution and Systematics6.00CSB14WD
EZO-10306Human and Animal Biology I6.00CSB15AF
PPH-10806Structure and Function of Plants6.00CSB15MO
MAT-15003Mathematics 33.00CSB16AF
BIP-10803Physics for Life Sciences3.00CSB16MO
BIS-10306Biodiversity of The Netherlands 6.00CSB16WD
CLB-10803Reproduction of Plants3.00CSB21AF
YBI-20303Orientation on Biology3.00CSB21AF
HAP-20306Human and Animal Biology, part 26.00CSB21MO
MIB-10306Microbiology & Biochemistry6.00CSB22AF
EZO-23306Modelling Biological Systems6.00CSB22MO
MOB-20803Mechanisms of Development3.00CSB23AF
MAT-15403Statistics 23.00CSB23MO
BHE-20303Animal Behaviour3.00CSB25AF
CPT-10303Below and Behind Biological Knowledge: Ethics and Philosophy of Science3.00CSB25AF
EZO-20306Biology of Invertebrates and Lower Plants6.00CSB26WD
YBI-85812BSc Thesis Biology12.00CSB31WD, 2WD, 3WD+4WD, 5WD, 6WD
MAT-14803Mathematics 13.00RO1B11AF
MAT-15303Statistics 13.00RO1B11AF

Major A - Cell and Molecular Biology

BIC-10306Practical Biological Chemistry6.00CSB24WD
MOB-20306Gene Technology6.00CSB25MO
GEN-30306Genetic Analysis, Tools and Concepts (GATC)6.00CSB26WD
SSB-20306Bioinformation Technology6.00CSB31MO
CLB-30306Cell Biology and Advanced Imaging Technologies6.00CSB32AF

Major B - Organismal and Developmental Biology

BIC-10306Practical Biological Chemistry6.00CSB24WD
EZO-22306Concepts and Approaches in Developmental Biology6.00CSB25MO
PPH-30806Plant Plasticity and Adaptation6.00CSB26WD
EZO-31306Vertebrate Structure and Function6.00CSB32MO

Major C - Human and Animal Health Biology

BIC-10306Practical Biological Chemistry6.00CSB24WD
CBI-20306Cell Biology and Health6.00CSB25MO
HAP-21806Behavioural Endocrinology6.00CSB26WD
NEM-20806Basics of Infectious Diseases6.00CSB31AF
HAP-30306Nutritional Physiology6.00CSB32MO

Major D - Ecology and Biodiversity

Limited choice:

Choose at least 6 credits from RO1

CSA-20806Population and Systems Ecology6.00CSB24WD
GEN-20306Molecular and Evolutionary Ecology6.00CSB25MO
BIS-21306Webs of Terrestrial Diversity6.00CSB26WD
REG-31806Ecological Methods I6.00CSB31MO
GRS-10306Introduction Geo-information Science6.00RO1B32MO
PPS-20306Systems Analysis, Simulation and Systems Management6.00RO1B32MO