RSO-58802 Integration of Gender & Diversity in Your Own Research


Credits 2.00

Teaching methodContact hours
Individual Paper4
Group work6
Independent study3
Course coordinator(s)dr. MPM van der Burg
dr. ir. BB Bock
Lecturer(s)dr. MPM van der Burg
Examiner(s)dr. MPM van der Burg

Language of instruction:



This course is part of the Wageningen School of Social Sciences Graduate programme in the MSc programmes MME, MID, MDR and MCH. You can register for the course via the registration form on the WASS website, For more information, please contact WASS via (practical information) or the course coordinator (course content).

This course enables the participants to find out and apply how gender (& diversity) can be meaningfully integrated in their own research. 'Gender & diversity'entails that 'gender' will be considered in intersection with other relevant social dimensions such as ethnicity, class, religion, and generation. The course introduces the participants to the basics of social (inequalities) and gender (& diversity) studies aspects of food, agricultural and rural research and development. It explains why and how these matter, and how integrating these is contributing to the quality of research, its outreach and valorisation in those core Wageningen domains. The course clarifies and discusses different theoretical approaches with their conceptual and methodological elaborations. The participants will discuss and further elaborate these in relation to their own thesis research designs.

Learning outcomes:

After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:
- identify different approaches to integrating gender (&diversity) studies aspects in food, agricultural and rural research and development;
- reflect on current gender (& diversity) studies approaches in relation to their own research in a well-argued manner;
- strategize how to identify, select and review relevant literature on gender & diversity studies aspects in relation to their own research;
- identify for their research relevant gender aspects in intersection with other dimensions such as class, ethnicity, locality, and religion must be addressed;
- design and present applying what learned in relation to their own thesis research design.


The course will have:
- introductory interactive lectures with discussion afterwards;
- peer group discussions guided by questions or group assignment;
- meeting with a gender (& diversity) expert of one's own field;
- self- study for preparing for the lectures, discussions and assignments;
- student presentations with short discussion afterwards.


A final short paper and presentation in class addressing the possibilities and constraints in integrating gender & diversity into their (thesis) research design in a well argued manner based on the course materials, lectures, assignments and discussions (65%). Preparatory for this final assignment there will be short home assignments for class sessions:
1. reflection essay of 2-3 A4 pages on the various approaches (15%);
2. A4 additional after consulting a gender & diversity expert in one own's field (10%);
3. A4 with strategy for own one's research relevant literature search and review (10%).