HNE-22402 European Excursion


Credits 2.00

Teaching methodContact hours
More days excursion56
Course coordinator(s)E Siebelink
dr. ir. M Mars
Lecturer(s)E Siebelink
dr. ir. M Mars
Examiner(s)dr. ir. M Mars

Language of instruction:


Assumed knowledge on:

B1 and B2 phase of the BSc Nutrition and Health programme.


Every year a 7-10 day European Excursion will be organised by students and staff. At least one, but in general 2 or 3 European countries will be scheduled in the excursion programme and visits may be planned to universities, nutrition and health institutions, food and nutrition industries, non-governmental organisations (ngo's) and other organisations active in the field of nutrition and health.
Registration is only open for students registered in the BVG or MNH programme. The number of participants is limited and priority will be given to BVG students.

Learning outcomes:

After successful completion of this course students are expected to:
- be able to analyse the nutrition degree of the study programme of other European Universities in relation to the Wageningen programme;
- be able to compare the work of other European nutritionists to that of Dutch nutritionists;
- be able to compare the nutrition and health policies in other European countries in relation to the Dutch nutrition and health policy;
- be able to compare the role and functioning of nutritionists (from various specializations) within universities, industries, ngo's and other organizations in other European countries;
- be able to reflect upon the presentations they receive at different institutes by asking questions;
- be able to reflect upon the excursion by writing a report, giving an oral presentation and a self-evaluation in relation to their own learning outcomes;
- be able to read and interpret results of literature regarding the institute of choice.


- the students prepare themselves on the excursion programme by reviewing the organisation structure, the activities and publications of the institutions to be visited.
- prior to the excursion discussion points will be raised in presentation and discussed within small groups and subsequently within the whole group.
- throughout the excursion the students participate actively in the discussions with the hosts and they will write short reports of the meetings and visits.
- within four weeks after the excursion an overall Excursion Report will be finished and delivered.


- individual and group report.
- the course will be marked as testimonium.


Not applicable.

Restricted Optional for: BVGNutrition and HealthBSc6WD