Wageningen in'to Languages (ZLS)

Education Units


Tel : 0317-(4)82552
Internal WU postal number : 85

Visitor's address

Droevendaalsesteeg 2
Forum Building 102
6708 PB  Wageningen

Postal address

Droevendaalsesteeg  2
6708 PB  Wageningen

Contact person(s) education


General information

Translation and editing service
Phone: +31 (0)317 482080
Email: vertaalservice@wur.nl

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday, 09:00-17:00
The desk is closed on Friday, but you can still reach us by telephone or email.

Wageningen into Languages has a wide range of courses, devised for an equally wide range of target groups. Dutch, English, French and Spanish are the most popular languages, but if you are interested in another language, or if your prefer a tailor-made course, just get in touch and we can discuss the options.

Our lessons focus on speaking and listening skills. We also offer training courses in English writing and presenting skills (Academic writing I-III). All these courses are also open to PhD students and staff.

Most courses are held during two periods: from September until February and from March until July. Tailor-made courses are arranged with the customer.

- courses in Dutch and English cost the same for all students: Euro 90;
- students needing a course in French or Spanish for their programme (work placement or graduation subject abroad) will be charged Euro 90. This lower rate only applies to students who present this form, completed and signed by their study adviser. All other participants from Wageningen UR, whether students, PhD students or staff, will be charged Euro 400;
- the fee for people from outside Wageningen UR wishing to take a language course is Euro 450.

Because of the collaboration with Radboud into Languages students at Wageningen UR can now take advantage of a larger selection of language courses. Radboud in'to Languages offers: German, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Arabic, Swedish and Dutch sign language.
These courses generally take place in Nijmegen at Radboud in'to Languages. If more than 10-12 Wageningen UR students are interested in one language course in the same period, it can take place in Wageningen, on campus. They are offered twice a year, from September to December and from March to June. For more information per language please have a look at our website.

In addition to language courses, we also offer:
- translations in any language;
- administering of language tests (OOPT) in line with the Common European Framework of Reference.

ZLS-01200Practical English
ZLS-01300Practical English Plus
ZLS-01500Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English
ZLS-01600Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
ZLS-01800Academic Speaking Skills
ZLS-02100Academic Writing
ZLS-02200Academic Writing II
ZLS-03100Social Dutch II
ZLS-03200Dutch Plus
ZLS-04000French I
ZLS-04100French II
ZLS-05000Spanish I
ZLS-05100Spanish II
ZLS-05200Spanish III