Geo-Information Science (MGI) / MSc


Geo-information has become increasingly important to support pressing societal problems. The field of Geo-Information Science investigates innovative methods to improve geo-data and concepts for better understanding of the space-time variability in domains like spatial planning, water management, nature conservation, environmental management, agriculture, energy supply, traffic and safety.
The MSc programme Geo-Information Science in Wageningen offers a unique blend of geo-information science methods, technologies and applications. Especially the combined use of earth observation techniques (Remote Sensing) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for problem solving within the environmental disciplines is an asset of the Wageningen approach.
In the Wageningen programme, students with a background in environmental sciences, social sciences and IT, first follow basic geo-information and remote sensing courses. Then they can profile themselves by (a) selecting advanced geo-information and remote sensing courses (b) selecting advanced courses in other agro-environmental domains, (c) selecting courses to strengthen specific professional competences (d) choosing specific topics in the academic consultancy training part of the Remote Sensing and GIS integration course and (e) selecting specific thesis subjects and internship locations. After following the programme students have the competences to analyse the usability of geo-information in complex and actual spatial problems and are able to develop solutions with an interdisciplinary attitude.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this MSc programme graduates are expected to be able to:
- explain the basic theories, concepts and methods in the field of geo-information science and remote sensing;
- apply geo-information science and remote sensing tools for the acquisition, storage, analysis, visualisation and dissemination of spatial data;
- investigate the usability of geo-information in spatial problems;
- create geo-information solutions for spatial problems in an application domain;
- analyse concepts, approaches and methods and reflect upon scientific literature, with special reference to the field of geo-information science and remote sensing;
- design a research plan in the field of geo-information science and remote sensing and critically reflect (under supervision) on the phases of a scientific research process;
- carry out a research in the field of geo-information science and remote sensing by using adequate methods and techniques to collect and interpret data;
- communicate clearly - both orally and in writing - to present the outcomes of their research and design projects and discuss these results with specialists and non-specialists;
- function effectively in international multidisciplinary teams;
- respond to social, organisational, scientific and ethical issues that are encountered in the field of geo-information science and remote sensing;
- reflect critically on their performance and results, as well as on those of colleagues;
- design and plan their own learning processes in the domain of geo-information science and remote sensing based on experiences working in this domain.
In this way competences will be acquired, which are relevant for starting positions in performing fundamental research , GI advisory and consultancy tasks, managing applied research projects and transferring GI knowledge.

Programme Director

Dr G.F. Epema
Phone: 0317-(4)80063

Study Adviser(s)

Ing. W.Th. ten Haaf
Phone: 0317-(4)81865

Programme Committee

Chair: Dr ir L. Kooistra
Secretary: B. van Beek


Study Association
