Plant Sciences (YPS)

Education Units


Tel : 0317-(4)82839
Internal WU postal number : 107

Visitor's address

Droevendaalsesteeg 1
Radix Building 107
6708 PB  Wageningen

Postal address

PO Box  16
6700 AA  Wageningen

Contact person(s) education

YPS-20803Plant Breeding: Basic Concepts and their Applications
YPS-21303Plant Diseases and Immunity: Basic Concepts and their Applications
YPS-21806Fundamentals of Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology and Entomology
YPS-22306Plant, Quality and Health
YPS-30306Analysis and Management of Sustainable Organic Production Chains
YPS-82318BSc Thesis Plant Sciences
YPS-82818BSc Thesis Plant Genomics and Health
YPS-83318BSc Thesis Plant Production and Ecology