CPT-94303 Philosophy of Science (from the perspective of christian philosophy)


Studiepunten 3.00

Course coordinator(s)prof. dr. ir. H Jochemsen
Lecturer(s)prof. dr. ir. H Jochemsen
Examiner(s)prof. dr. ir. H Jochemsen

Language of instruction:


Continuation courses:

APP-94303 Philosophy of science (part 2)


In our postmodern culture in which world view and ethical positions are considered to be subjective, science is often considered to be 'neutral, objective in its presentation of reality. Is that correct? Science also indicates a particular approach to reality, a set of methods to study reality that leads to a special kind of knowledge. What is the character of that knowledge and what does that mean for its value and limits? What does that mean for the relationship between science and beliefs (world view, religion)? These issues will be illustrated with discussing claims that 'we are our brains' (Swaab); this will be done from a Christian (reformational) philosophical view of reality. This course helps students to reflect on their study and help them to get a better understanding of the strengths and limits of the scientific approach of reality.

Learning outcomes:

After following and passing the exam of this course, the students should:
- have an understanding of basic notions in the field of philosophy of science, a.o. central characteristics of its methodology;
- understand the strength of science as well as its limitations;
- have a basic understanding of the idea of science as a social practice;
- be able to identify the human and cultural factor in doing science;
- have a basic understanding of the Christian (reformational ) philosophical approach to science.


During contact hours lectures will be given on the subjects supported with power point hand outs.
The lectures will be have an interactive character; there will be time for discussion.


Students can get the credits for this course by passing an exam in one of the following ways:
- the oral exam will be a discussion with the examiner on the contents of the lectures, including the hand outs and prescribed literature;
- either book review or essay on topic related to the course and using the contents of the course writing an ethical essay on a topic relate to the contents of the this course; e.g. summarizing and discussing a book chapter. This essay should at least contain 1200 words and explicitly draw on the contents of the course.


E. Schuurman. Faith and hope in technology. Toronto: Clements publishing 2003 esp. Ch. 4, 6, 8; Nederlandse versie: E. Schuurman. Geloven in wetenschap en techniek. Amsterdam: Buijten en Schipperheijn 1998.
Recommended: I.G. Barbour. Religion and science. Revised and expanded edition. SCM Press 1998.
Additional literature will be made available on MyPortal.