Biology (BBI) / BSc

BSc Gemeenschappelijk gedeelte

Common Part

RO1: Choose MAT-14803 Mathematics 1 if you did Math A at VWO; choose MAT-15303 Statistics 1 if you did Math B at VWO

ORC-13803Bio-organic Chemistry for Life Sciences3.00CSB11AF
NCP-10503Ecology I3.00CSB11MO
NCP-20503Ecology II3.00CSB11MO
CBI-10306Cell Biology6.00CSB12AF
MAT-14903Mathematics 23.00CSB12MO
PCC-12803General Chemistry for the Life Sciences3.00CSB12MO
GEN-11806Fundamentals of Genetics and Molecular Biology6.00CSB13WD
GEN-11306Evolution and Systematics6.00CSB14WD
EZO-10306Human and Animal Biology I6.00CSB15AF
PPH-10806Structure and Function of Plants6.00CSB15MO
MAT-15003Mathematics 33.00CSB16AF
BIP-10803Physics for Life Sciences3.00CSB16MO
BIS-10306Biodiversity of The Netherlands 6.00CSB16WD
CLB-10803Reproduction of Plants3.00CSB21AF
YBI-20303Orientation on Biology3.00CSB21AF
HAP-20306Human and Animal Biology, part 26.00CSB21MO
MIB-10306Microbiology & Biochemistry6.00CSB22AF
EZO-23306Modelling Biological Systems6.00CSB22MO
MOB-20803Mechanisms of Development3.00CSB23AF
MAT-15403Statistics 23.00CSB23MO
BHE-20303Animal Behaviour3.00CSB25AF
CPT-10303Philosophy and Ethics of Biology3.00CSB25AF
EZO-20306Biology of Invertebrates and Lower Plants6.00CSB26WD
YBI-85812BSc Thesis Biology12.00CSB31WD, 2MO, 3WD+4WD, 5WD, 6WD
MAT-14803Mathematics 13.00RO1B11AF
MAT-15303Statistics 13.00RO1B11AF

Major A - Cell and Molecular Biology

BIC-10306Practical Biological Chemistry6.00CSB24WD
SSB-20306Bioinformation Technology6.00CSB25MO
GEN-30306Genetic Analysis, Tools and Concepts (GATC)6.00CSB26WD
MOB-20306Gene Technology6.00CSB31AF
CLB-30306Cell Biology and Advanced Imaging Technologies6.00CSB32AF

Major B - Organismal and Developmental Biology

BIC-10306Practical Biological Chemistry6.00CSB24WD
EZO-22306Concepts and Approaches in Developmental Biology6.00CSB25MO
PPH-30806Plant Plasticity and Adaptation6.00CSB31MO
EZO-31306Vertebrate Structure and Function6.00CSB32MO

Major C - Human and Animal Health Biology

BIC-10306Practical Biological Chemistry6.00CSB24WD
CBI-20306Cell Biology and Health6.00CSB25MO
HAP-21806Behavioural Endocrinology6.00CSB26WD
NEM-20806Basics of Infectious Diseases6.00CSB31AF
HAP-30306Nutritional Physiology6.00CSB32MO

Major D - Ecology and Biodiversity

Limited choice:

Choose at least 6 credits from RO1

CSA-20806Population and Systems Ecology6.00CSB24WD
GEN-20306Molecular and Evolutionary Ecology6.00CSB25MO
BIS-21306Webs of Terrestrial Diversity6.00CSB26WD
REG-31806Ecological Methods I6.00CSB31MO
GRS-10306Introduction Geo-information Science6.00RO1B32MO
PPS-20306Systems Analysis, Simulation and Systems Management6.00RO1B32MO