SOQ-35306 The Carbon Dilemma


Studiepunten 6.00

Individual Paper1
Course coordinator(s)dr. L Weng
prof. dr. TW Kuyper
Lecturer(s)dr. ir. JW van Groenigen
dr. ir. T Hiemstra
prof. dr. E Hoffland
prof. dr. RNJ Comans
dr. ir. K Metselaar
Examiner(s)dr. L Weng
prof. dr. TW Kuyper

Language of instruction:


Assumed knowledge on:

Intermediate to advanced knowledge in soil science, e.g. SOQ 21806 (Soil Quality)

Continuation courses:

MSc Thesis Soil Biology and Biological Soil Quality, MSc Thesis Soil Chemistry and Chemical Soil Quality, MSc Internship Soil Quality


There is an inevitable trade off between using carbon (as a source of energy, and benefiting from the nutrients released - but accepting a decline in organic matter) and hoarding carbon (to mitigate effects of increasing atmospheric CO2, but sequestering nutrients). This trade off between different ecosystem functions and services provided by carbon suggests that carbon is subject to a zero-sum game. Could we transform a zero-sum game into a win-win situation: sequestering carbon while also raising energy crops and improving soil fertility? Several (interlinked) scientific controversies that are important for resolving or managing the carbon dilemma will be discussed and novel research questions will be identified.

Learning outcomes:

After this course you are expected to be able to:
- quantify and evaluate various and sometimes contrary roles that carbon plays in terrestrial ecosystems;
- critically evaluate scientific papers on the carbon dilemma, including deriving novel research questions;
- put scientific knowledge of the carbon dilemma in a societal context;
- write a research proposal that addresses a major issue of the carbon dilemma.


Lectures, literature study, tutorials, proposal writing.


Assignments (40%), Grant proposal (40%), Contribution to activities (20%).


See reader The Carbon Dilemma.

Keuze voor: MEEEarth and EnvironmentMSc5MO
MEEEarth and EnvironmentMSc5MO
MESEnvironmental SciencesMSc5MO
MCLClimate StudiesMSc5MO